Nature Game
Would you escape
Dragon Asgard?

Made for scholar groups, the Nature Game is an innovative outdoor game concept about nature and biodiversity, in the heart of the Criq'Parc.
Based on escape game concept, you will have to solve several riddles to try escape to Dragon Asgard and not become his prisoner. You will have an hour to find as many clues as possible and decode the Asgard mystery ! But careful, is watching you every moment, his senses are awakaned !
The gaming process
A game master is constantly guiding you, explaining and advising kids.
He is a nature and enivronment specialist (nature animator or mountain guide).
Kids would be in group of 4 or 5 students, with a specific book to follow in order to go through the game. At the begining, each team will start on one of the 6 workshops (not the same).
Game principle
Each team will start on one of the 6 workshops and will have an hour to go through all the stages together.
Several themes would be approach :
- Animals
- Plants
- Forest trees
Creation, orientation, reflexion, touch and teamwork would be the kye for this educational game.
At the end of the game, a knowledge restitution about the several topics approached would be made by the master game to the entire group.
Do not wait anymore, and come play with Asgard !
12€ / kid
20€ / kid
Nature Game + Park OR Nature Game + Nature Hike
30€ / kid
Nature Game + Park + Nature Hike

Infos pratiques
A comfortable outfit adapted to outdoor and weather
Better to tie long hair
PARKING : the car needs to drop you at Saint-Jorioz public beach parking (about 400m walk to the Criq'Parc)